Playtext Adaptation
Moving Earths / Inside
Blanot, France and Berlin, Germany
June-September 2020
Our informal and ongoing collaboration and discussion with Frédérique Aït-Touati and Bruno Latour coalesced around a specific task in the summer of 2020: the English adaptation of two playtexts developed as performance-lectures by Latour and actor Duncan Evvenou. Moving Earths had been performed shortly before the first Coronavirus lockdown at the Odéon Theatre in Paris, as a closely-scripted and spectacular performance. Inside was adapted from several improvised lecture transcriptions performed by Latour himself.
Evvenou and Andrew Todd workshopped the texts using the ballroom space of our studio in Southern Burgundy.
The texts were then presented in a new format (without any electronic projections or effects) in an exhibition curated by Tino Sehgal in the Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin.