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On Fluidity

Blanot, France

July 2020


The On Fluidity concert-seminar was the first of a series of active assemblies planned over the coming years in our Burgundy studio.

Part retreat, part think-tank, part party, part incubator, part cultural mini-festival, these events are designed to benefit from the unique calm, connectedness and polymorphous spaciousness of the studio.

There were two adjunct events paving the way for On Fluidity: a concert-party featuring the Olaitan fanfare and a trio concert of Andrew Todd, Jason Domnarski and Rebecca Cavanaugh; and a less formal gathering including Bruno and Chantal Latour, Soheil Hajmirbaba, Alexandra Arènes, Vinciane Despret, Mathieu Duperrex and Patrick Bouchain.

On Fluidity drew on two sources: the book H20 and the Waters of Forgetfulness by Ivan Illich, and partner Bridget O'Rourke's personal art practice concerning dynamic waters (in many cases, destructive, excessive glacial meltwaters, examined in detail).

Farmer Marc Grozellier set the scene by explaining the socio-acquatic structure of the village of Blanot.

Kim Locke (NASA) presented a series of sattelite images of coastal anthropogenic transformations, including agricultural run-off at large scale.

Landscape Architect and Professor Ron Henderson (IIT / L+A) presented the delicate above-ground waterways structuring the city of Senman in Iran.

Actor and Dramaturge Duncan Evvenou recounted his ongoing project for a performative map of the Mississippi River.

Ecological Consultant Julien Dossier presented a macro perception of water as global resource.

Flutist Mattia Petrilli performed a recital composed of water-related music.

Seaphone (Brian McCoy and Armelle Dousset) performed a concert of original compositions for hurdy-gurdy, accordeon, voices and electronics.



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