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Wuhan Opera Art Centre

Wuhan, China

Competition, March 2023

At the invitation of Beijing-bassed bureau IPPR we participated as concept architect in this 150m euros competition project to build 5 auditoria and a museum for the traditional Chinese Opera in Wuhan, on a site between the Han River and an urban lake.

Drawing on the many connections between Chinese opera and the Elizabethan theatre (intimate scale, use of 'found' space, use of open-air, streetscapes and temples as ready-made stages), we proposed a 'neighbourhood' of five varied auditoria in biomaterials with a rich in-between context of squares, streets and lanes. 


The whole complex is united under a flowing gridshell wooden roof protecting from tropical rain and sun. The complex is kept at grade level, allowing a free access between the Han River and lakeside pathway behind.


Studio Andrew Todd, concept architect and theatre consultant

IPPR, architect of record


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